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Rest in Peace Varok Saurfang <3

I'm glad I never played this rubbish expansion. I'm sick of my beloved characters I grow up with being killed off just to move the plot and characters I used to like being turned into their murderers.

Saurfang, the short but the most legendary and epic Orc line, has just ended. Rest in peace alongside your son and brother my dear Varok :'( In finally receiving the honourable warrior's death you sought after for such a long time, you unmasked the real bitch that Sylvanas is and how little she cares about The Horde and thus stopping a major civil war. Even her own followers were quite taken aback by her "The Horde is nothing" outburst and paid respects to our fallen hero. Not even surprised that he could fully utilise the twin blades of Shalamayne. I'm sure he was being watched over by Varian.

It's time for us to mourn. First Cairne, then Vol'jin, now Saurfang. Not to mention Grommash from Warcraft 3. We have almost noone left. Whoever comes next will die in 1-2 expansions most likely. I don't even see the point in keeping tabs anymore. "Let it be finished". I am sorry Saurfang but I don't have hope anymore. I'm just done.



  1. I really wanted him to be my Warchief :(. But atleast he recieved a warrior's death. I have a feeling that next one will be Thrall - _-


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