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Hitman Go Trigger Happy Achievement Guide

Hitman Go: Definitive Edition has 26 achievements. This guide will help you obtain Trigger Happy (Kill 100 enemies using the Silverballers) achievement. I also posted guides for Creepy CrawlerNow You See MeFlashmobSale: B2G1 and Controlled Demolition achievements.

Unfortunately there aren't many opportunities to finish this achievement during your natural story progression. Missions that feature the iconic Hitman weapon Silverballers are rather few so it is one of those grindy achievements. However, fear not because it is actually very easy!

I farmed level 3-8 for this achievement. In only 2 turns you can get 2 kills, then you restart the level and repeat until the achievement unlocks. There are other opportunities to get more kills but in order to make it happen you need to pass a lot of turns to bring these enemies together which is nothing but a time waster. Level 3-8 has a second set of Silverballers but again in order to get extra 2 kills from this level, you need to play for at least 5-6 turns. During when you could have already got 6 kills by simply restarting and moving left twice! :P


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