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Hearthstone: Thaddius Heroic Guide for Priests

Thaddius is the last boss of Construct Quarter in Curse of Naxxramas. In World of Warcraft, Thaddius was my favourite boss ever. Yes, I am in love with Illidan but that's lore wise. Encounter wise Thaddius was incredibly entertaining especially from a tank point of view. So I was really looking forward to Hearthstone version of my most favourite boss and unlike Patchwerk, Thaddius did NOT disappoint me at all!

On normal mode Thaddius has 30 health and as usual his health increases to 45 on heroic difficulty. On both difficulties Thaddius' hero power remains the same: Swap the health and attack of all minions for 0 mana. 

On normal mode Thaddius will start with an empty board. However on heroic difficulty Thaddius will summon Stalagg and Feugen on turn 1. Don't worry though, as Thaddius won't start the fight with those minions already on board, you won't immediately start taking damage from turn 1. Also when you kill off these minions, Thaddius minion will not be summoned which was actually surprising for me. I really expected him to be summoned after killing off Stalagg and Feugen. I must admit though that it would be quite comedic, Thaddius summoning himself on the board! :P

I beat Thaddius after about 2-3 attempts with the usual Priest deck but with some changes.

Mulligan: Either Shadow Word Death or Big Game Hunter on your starting hand is a must to deal with Stalagg or Feugen (their stats will keep changing so either way you should kill one of them in turn 3). Nerubian Eggs are also great as you will get 4/4 Nerubians without worrying about how to activate your eggs.

Strategy: You will need to kill either Feugen or Stallag in turn 3 by activating your egg on turn 2 (which will most likely get killed with Lightning Bolt) or with your BGH or Shadow Word Death. It is imperative that you kill off at least one of these minions early on. Otherwise you will end up receiving a lot of damage to your hero that might make it rather tough for you to take back control as Thaddius will keep on playing minions anyway. 

Thaddius plays Taunt minions with 3 attack, so Shadow Madness is a great card here to either deal a bit of extra damage to boss or maybe kill off that minion. The strategy for the rest of the fight will usually be the same as I described countless of times before in previous guides. Play minions and buff them up with Divine Spirit and Inner Fire. But never neglect Inner Fire or you might end up with a 16/2 Deathlord that will easily die to a Lightning Bolt/Forked Lightning  :D

Speaking of those spells, Thaddius obviously has lightning spells like Lightning Bolt and Forked Lightning. And he already has these on his starting hand. So your first 4/4 Nerubian will most likely die to that Lightning Bolt. Luckily though at least he doesn't have Lightning Storm. 

Thaddius is a really unique and entertaining encounter. It will not possess many challenges especially with this Priest deck. This is not an RNG heavy encounter either, so provided you get the cards you are looking for on time, the kill is pretty much a guarantee.

Good luck and have fun! :)
