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Plants vs Zombies 2 It's About Time Gets Big Wave Beach Update!!

I've got some great news for Plants vs Zombies 2 fans out there. After the Dark Ages, another brand new world has finally been released with an update!

This new world, dubbed Big Wave Beach, also has a new theme. As you can understand from the title, the theme is water! This also means we will get back our Lily Pads alongside some brand new plants and more zombie types mashed together with a unique gameplay experience. My most favourite levels in Plants vs Zombies involved the pool so I am quite excited about this update!

I am afraid; though, Big Wave Beach currently doesn't have as many new types of plants or zombies as the other updates, however, there are some zombies busy with construction work at the end of the world. So this hints at more levels coming up which would ultimately mean more new zombies and plants!

There are currently 19 levels in Big Wave Beach. In order to unlock the Big Wave Beach world you need to get a World Key or pay actual money. You can get the World Key from Day 8 of Ancient Egypt, Pirate Seas, Wild West or Far Future, or Night 10 of Dark Ages.

There is also a shadowed 7th world right next to Big Wave Beach. Considering the original game, we got our dark and pool levels in PvZ 2 so maybe the next world could involve the roof and we'd get back our flower pots? Or maybe it could involve fog? I don't know but no matter what they decide to bring back, I will be waiting here filled with excitement!

Enjoy smashing some zombie brains plant lovers! 


  1. When will world 7 be here?????

    1. I am sorry, I just checked for you; however, I haven't been able to find any updates on that yet. Considering that the part 2 of Big Wave Beach has been released fairly recently, I think it is safe to assume that there is still time for the 7th world.


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