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Blizzard Unveils Naxxramas Inspired Hearthstone Card Back!

With the end of ranked season 3, Blizzard ran out of card backs that they gave a sneak peak of during Hearthstone's Beta. So we were wondering how the new card back would look for reaching Rank 20 in Season 4. Well good news is that Blizzard unveiled the new card back on their official Chinese Hearthstone page and the new card back is the best one yet!

If you are following the Hearthstone updates closely then you know that Blizzard is planning to launch Curse of Naxxramas on the month of July. So for the new card back to be inspired by the hovering necropolis Naxxramas itself to celebrate its release is to be expected. 

This is the card back that we got a sneak peek of when leaked images from Curse of Naxxramas surfaced. Ever since that day we have been wondering about this card back and now by reaching Rank 20 until July 31, we will be able to get one of these babies for ourselves. This card back also confirms that those leaked images are real!

I think this card back is aesthetically the best one alongside the Black Temple inspired card back. I just don't see another card back topping the Naxxramas inspired one in the near future. Blizzard has outdone themselves with this one and I hope the future card backs will be able to maintain this high standard set by this one.

As for some more news about Curse of Naxxramas; according to Blizzard's Community Manager Aratil, the pricing of Curse of Naxxramas would be revealed today on July 1. However, this information will not be available today as Aratil posted again on official Hearthstone forums that the price details would have to be delayed. While we are highly disappointed we still hope that the new expansion will be ready for release at least towards the end of July because according to Aratil, the new Adventure Mode is not ready yet.
